How to add a signature to your email outlook 365
How to add a signature to your email outlook 365

how to add a signature to your email outlook 365

Make it easy for people to get ahold of you by including your current phone number in your signature. Adding your name also makes it easier for a recipient to add you to their contacts.

how to add a signature to your email outlook 365

Could you provide contact information without your name? Sure. Your signature must have your full name-or some other identifying factor like a nickname everybody recognizes. Basically, the traditional rules that come along with work email signatures go out the window when it comes to personal email! So how can you create the best email signature for you? Check out this quick guide: But there are plenty of nice extras you can add like icons and images, links to your social media accounts, even a quote that you love. Of course, you can include all the basics. After all, outside the confines of the corporate world, creating an email signature can be the ultimate extension of your personality.

How to add a signature to your email outlook 365